2/11 (Tue), 2/12 (Wed), 2/13 (Thu)
Time: 12:00-20:00
Opening Party
2/11 (Tue) 17:00 - 20:00
Venue:art space tetra
Address:2-15 Susaki-machi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka
2/11 (火) 17:00 - 20:00
会場:art space tetra
A solo exhibition by Berlin-based artist Jolyon Jones
Jolyon Jones, who was creating at a metal foundry/workshop in Tokyo last fall, will showcase new works influenced by the time he spent in Japan.
He cut up pieces of the work he created in Tokyo, packed as many fragments as he could carry alone in a suitcase, and transported them by train to Fukuoka, where he composed this exhibition using a limited number of parts and within the constraints of scale.
The exhibition will feature three-dimensional objects that reflect the concepts of scale and possibility, including a cast aluminum work based on a discarded model by a Tokyo architecture student and an inverted piece of steel pipe.
**COLD CUTS** reflects Jolyon Jones' approach of working within constraints. By reusing discarded materials, he transforms the boundaries between material and appearance and their implicit function in a given environment.
**Jolion Jones** is a New Zealand-born artist based in Berlin. He is currently pursuing a Master of Fine Arts degree under the guidance of Monika Bonvicini, a professor of sculpture and conceptual art at the Berlin University of the Arts (Universität der Künste Berlin).
Recently, Jolion completed a semester-long exchange program in the master's sculpture program at Musashino Art University in Tokyo, where he finished new works in various media and participated in a group exhibition in Tokyo.
Jolion holds a degree in anthropology from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, and a degree in fine arts from the Berlin University of the Arts in Germany. He has exhibited internationally in Australia, Germany, and Japan.
ベルリンを拠点に活動するアーティスト、ジョリオン・ジョーンズによる 個展「COLD CUTS」。昨年の秋、東京の金属鋳造所・工房で制作をしていたジョーンズは、日本で過ごした時間に影響を受けた新作を展示します。
COLD CUTS」は、制約の中で制作するというジョリオン・ジョーンズのアプローチを反映しています。廃棄された素材を再利用することで、彼は物質と容姿の境界線、そして与えられた環境におけるそれらの暗黙の機能を変容させています。
ジョリオン・ジョーンズは、ニュージーランド生まれでベルリンを拠点とするアーティストです。現在、ドイツのベルリン芸術大学(Universität der Künste Berlin)で彫刻とコンセプチュアルアートの教授であるモニカ・ボンヴィチーニの指導のもと、美術の修士号を取得中です。