sanaka 「好転する衣服」展

May 19 (Fri) - May 25 (Thu)
Weekdays 13:00-20:00
Holidays 11:00-20:00
Full-day gallery

sanaka  「好転する衣服」展

What is the national clothing of Japan?
Where will the future of fashion go?
The thoughts behind the title of the 2023 SANAKA exhibition "Clothes That Change" are not complicated, but they are also not simple. At first glance, it is an exhibition of clothes that are made in a modern way of kimono, but it is an exhibition of clothes that recaptures ethnic clothing. For example, I would like to reconstruct how phenomena such as the macroscopic cycle, in which "rain" descends the mountains and reaches the sea, and water vapor heated by the sun falls again, are connected to "ethnic clothing" in modern society, clothing culture, and modern activities. Kimonos and haori with memories of their ancestors awaken from the chest of drawers, and are reborn as a new form of sanaka and new gears begin to move. And clothes that will be improved for the next generation.
We will exhibit and sell 100 clothes and 100 bags, order and maintenance, and hold workshops.

Workshop content
We hold workshops to untie kimonos as appropriate. You can participate in a kimono at home or empty-handed. It is easy to learn, but since there are individual differences in solving everything, it is separated by about 30 minutes to 1 hour. Please feel free to join us.