Tarnovski (from Czheco)
Gallery Six
date : September 23, 2017
time : open 7pm / start 7:30pm
ticket : 2000yen+1 drink order (500yen)
Tarnovski (from チェコ)
Gallery Six
時間:19:00 開場 / 19:30 開演
Qoosui - Haco
CD+Digital Release September 1st, 2017 on Room 40-subsidiary Someone Good.
The distribution in Japan, Inpartment - CD+1 DL bonus track for sale from September 10th.
Haco, the singer, lyricist, composer, and founder of the legendary avant-pop band, After Dinner, has her followers around the world. For her seventh solo album, she worked with Stabilo (Speaker Gain Teardrop) and Gallery Six, masters of the Hiroshima ambient scene, and Tarnovski (Gurun Gurun), a key figure in Czech experimental-electro music. Her layered whispering voice rises up from floating electronics and nature sounds to achieve a new pinnacle in dreamy ambient pop!
Haco “Qoosui” album Launch + Tarnovski (Gurun Gurun) Japan Tour 2017
Haco has received recognition internationally as the founder, singer, lyricist and composer of the legendary avant-pop group, After Dinner, one of the first Japanese indie bands to tour abroad and to receive the unanimous praise of music publications such as NME and Melody Maker in the 1980s. Since 1987, she has been invited to appear in numerous experimental music and art festivals in Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand, and has toured internationally almost every year. Hailed as one of the first female proponents of onkyo, Haco has made field recording environmental sounds from daily life and used them as materials in her composing, programming and mixing.
In 1990, she appeared in the film Step Across the Border, a documentary on Fred Frith, which was selected as one of the top 100 films of all time by Cahiers du Cinema. Since 1995, she has expanded her delicate and dreamy world of music based on her transparently feathery voice as a solo artist and recorded in collaborative projects such as Hoahio, Ash in the Rainbow, and Yesterday's Heroes. She has also released on ReR Megacorp (UK) and Tzadik (US) among many others.
In 2005, her sound-art CD Stereo Bugscope 00 was awarded a prize in the digital music category at Prix Ars Electronica in Austria. Since then, she has been invited to give lectures, workshops, and sound performances at art schools and conferences in many countries.
In 2007, she released the album Riska, followed by Forever and Ever in 2011, and Secret Garden, her sixth solo album, in 2015. The last was acclaimed as a seamless blend of experimentalism and pop. Recently, Haco’s work combines her soft, airy voice with electronic sounds and organic methods.
She has taken part in numerous international collaborations with various artists, including recordings, improvisations, contemporary dances, and soundtracks. Haco is renowned for the charm of her melody lines, and the power of her music and performances, which are both highly skilled and completely natural. Her work transcends conventional genres and national borders, and continues to attract new fans of all ages.
“A founding member of the legendary band After Dinner, Haco is one of the most versatile vocalists in the Japanese indies scene.” (John Zorn)
Haco - Tidal (from "Qoosui" 2017) from ROOM40 on Vimeo.
Tarnovski is a musician, composer and producer, one of the founding members of experimental pop band Miou Miou and the Czech post-everything quartet Gurun Gurun.
Named after a fictional planet from the old school Slovak sci-fi TV series She Came Out of the Blue Sky, Gurun Gurun’s musical work combines analogue synthesizers, manipulated field recordings, piezo-amplified objects, DIY instruments and effects to span musical spaces ranging from hypno-minimalist atmospheres to the warm tones of slow moving, repetitive melodic stanzas. Gurun Gurun often work with Japanese musicians such as Asuna, Moskitoo, Sawako, Mergrim, and Aus. Currently they are working on a new album with Haco. (Recorded in Prague in 2016).
Tarnovski also plays solo, in the experimental duo Wabi Experience (their debut album will be out in 2018), in the Czech all-stars improv collective IQ+1 and in the krautrock/shoegaze band called The Czech Psychedelic Society Manifesto. He has released two field recording albums under moniker Prosoxi Skylos.
Tarnovski has been also performing live remix of the Zdenek Liska’s film scores. Zdenek Liska was a cult Czech composer who produced a large of number film scores (e.g. Jan Svankmajer, Vera Chytilova, and Karel Zeman) across a prolific career.
Tarnovski works as a music composer for radio, animated film, multimedia and art installations. He also runs Jipangu, a small label focused on experimental music and sound art.
His live sets commonly include a mixture of glitch electronica, musique concrète, drones, computer deconstruction, quirky sonorities and field recordings.
Tarnovski is currently working on his first solo album. In 2017, his collaboration ambient album with Mexican multimedia artist Laura Luna was released on the Czech label, Genot Centre.
stabilo (speaker gain teardrop)
Based in Hiroshima, Japan, stabilo is the solo project of Yasutica Horibe.
He plays the guitar in the band, ‘speaker gain teardrop’, which is based in Hiroshima.
‘stabilo’ was born when he started making music that was difficult to be expressed by
this band using the laptop from 2002.
Gallery Six
Hidekazu Imashige aka Gallery Six is an artist and composer who lives in Hiroshima, Japan.
He began his career as a musician playing drums in some rock bands, then in 2008 he started making ambient music releasing the Invisible EP on Twisted Tree Line (UK), Element Perspective 071 on Element Perspective (Japan) and some self-released albums.
In 2010 Gallery Six with other Japanese artists have formed the "ArtLism. JP" art group, made up of musician, photographer and film director, met together around the concept of interplay between "Art + Altruism".
Creating fragile ambient textures and experimental sounds based on his thought that "Everything in the world has two faces, so we need to watch them from both sides", his sound combines elements such as beauty and dirty or light and dark. His musical research is aimed at exploring the relationship between the opposite, incorporating a wide range of source materials including field recordings, noises or glitches.
伝説のアヴァンポップバンド After Dinner の創始者、歌姫/作詞作曲家として世界中にフォロワーをもつHaco。元祖音響系女子ソロとして通算7枚目にあたる本作には、広島アンビエントシーンを代表する stabilo (speaker gain teardrop) と Gallery Six、チェコのエクスペリメンタル・エレクトロシーンを牽引する Tarnovski (Gurun Gurun) がコラボ参加。浮遊感あふれる電子音や自然音に透き通ったウイスパーボイスが幾重にも折り重なった、ドリーミー・アンビエント・ポップの最高峰! (オーストラリアの老舗レーベル ROOM 40 のサブレーベル Someone Good よりリリース/国内配給 Inpartment Inc.)
HACO「QOOSUI」レコ発 + TARNOVSKI (Gurun Gurun) 来日ツアー 2017
Haco 全国11カ所でのツアーを開催!今回は Haco / Tarnovski (Gurun Gurun from チェコ) のソロライブに加え、アルバム共作者 stabilo & Gallery Six + 各地では minamo / Moskitoo 等、超豪華ゲストを迎えての究極リリース・パーティー!
80年代初頭より海外進出し、イギリスのNME誌やメロディーメーカー誌に絶賛された伝説的アヴァンポップグループ After Dinner (1981-1991) の創始者、歌姫/作詞作曲家として世界的に誉れ高い。87年より海外の革新的な音楽/アートフェスティバルから招聘をうけ、ヨーロッパ、北米、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドを含め、毎年のように公演ツアーを行っている。また、元祖音響系女子ともいわれ、身の周りの環境音を録音し素材にしたり、プログラミングやミックスまで自ら手がける女性プロデューサーの草分け的存在。
1990年、数々の賞に輝いたフレッド・フリス主演の音楽ドキュメンタリー映画「Step Across The Border」に出演。1995年よりソロとしても透明感あふれる羽根のような歌声と繊細でドリーミーな音世界を切り開くほか、2000年代には Hoahio (w/ 八木美知依、恵良真里、Sachiko M)、Ash in the Rainbow (w/ 坂本弘道) 、Yesterday's Heroes (w/ テーリ・テムリッツ)など複数の共作プロジェクトでレコード制作し、ReR Megacorp (英)、Tzadik (米) 等のレーベルからグローバルリリースも多数。
2005年、サウンドアート作品「Stereo Bugscope 00」がオーストリアのアルスエレクトロニカで入賞。以来、各国の大学や学会などの催しで、レクチャー、ワークショップ、サウンドパフォーマンスの依頼を受けるようになる。
2007年作品「Riska」、2011年「Forever And Ever」を経て、2015年には通算6枚目にあたるソロアルバム「Secret Garden」がCD発売され、実験性とポップな境界線がシームレスな作品として国内外で大好評を得る。近年、彼女の作風はふんわり空気感ただよう歌声とオーガニックな要素のある電子音で織りなされた方向へと深化している。
"伝説的なバンド After Dinner の創設者、Haco は日本のインディーズ・シーンの中で最も多才なヴォーカリストの一人" (John Zorn)
Haco - Tidal (from "Qoosui" 2017) from ROOM40 on Vimeo.
タルノフスキ (音楽家/作曲家/プロデューサー) は先鋭ポップバンド Miou Miou、チェコのポスト・エヴリシング・カルテット Gurun Gurun の創始者。中央ヨーロッパの音楽シーンにおいて、エレクトロ・アコースティックの中核をなす活動を展開している。子ども向けテレビ番組の架空の惑星から名付けられたというグループ名 Gurun Gurun、その音楽は不可思議かつ牧歌的な電子音響に可憐なメロディーが寓話のような世界観をかたちづくっている。日本のアーティストとのコラボレーションにも積極的で、これまでに Asuna、Moskitoo、Sawako、Mergrim、Aus、現在は Haco との新作アルバム (2016年プラハ録音) も進行中。
2017年にメキシコのマルチメディア・アーティスト Laura Luna との共作アンビエント・アルバム、2018年には実験デュオ Wabi Experience のデビュー作、Gurun Gurun の新作「Uzu Oto」のリリースが予定されている。
また実験音楽とサウンドアートに特化した自主レーベル Jipangu を主宰。その活動はリミックス、ラジオ、アニメーション、インスタレーション、フィールドレコーディング・ワークショップなど極めて多岐に渡っており、チェコのアンダーグランドシーンで最も注目を集めている人物のひとり。
stabilo (speaker gain teardrop)
広島で活動を続ける轟音系バンド「speaker gain teradrop」のGu担当。バンド側では表現出来ない音楽を求め2002年ラップトップにて音楽製作を開始。2008年ベルギーのレーベル「u-cover」からアルバム「ovum」を発表。2013年末~3年半以上、毎月連続でアンビエント/ドローンのEP作品をリリースしている。
Gallery Six
広島県在住。ドラマーとして音楽のキャリアをスタート。様々なバンド活動を経て、2008年頃よりアンビエントミュージックの制作を始め、Twisted Tree Line(UK), element perspective(JP), よりEPをリリース、また自主制作のアルバムもリリースする。
2010年、音楽、写真、映像、その他各種アートを創造するクリエイターが参加し、総合的にモノや空間を創ることを目的とする集団、”ArtLism.JP” の創設に加わる。