w/ capture (Yuji Nakamura/Masakazu Fujii/Kaori Mineo)
/ bowden/matsuoka duo
/ B(U)TT Trio (Bowden/Takei/Tomi)
/ DJ Yamaguchi Kenzo
date : Dec 5, 2015
time : 19:00 open / 19:30 start
ticket : 1500yen + 1drink order (500yen)
w/ capture (中村勇治/藤井マサカズ/峰尾かおり)
/ bowden/matsuoka duo
/ B(U)TT TRIO (Bowden/Takei/Tomi)
/ DJ Yamaguchi Kenzo
19:00 開場 / 19:30 開演
PRAED : Founded by Raed Yassin and Paed Conca in 2006, “Praed” is a band whose musical oeuvre can be described as a mixture of Arabic popular music, free jazz, and electronics. In the same year, the band made its first public appearance in Al Maslakh festival in Switzerland, immediately followed by a concert at the Irtijal festival in Beirut. Since then, the band has frequented numerous international music festivals and toured intensively world-wide, spanning Japan, Europe and Canada. Through these endeavors, the band has created a large global network with other renowned musicians as musical collaborators.
The band consists of two regular members: Raed Yassin playing keyboards, laptop, electronics and vocals; and Paed Conca on clarinet, electric bass, and electronics.
PRAED performs also under the name PRAED PLUS as a big band together with Axel Dörner, Johannes Bauer, Hans Koch and Stephane Rives.
The band’s body of work mainly explores the terrain of Arabic popular music (“Shaabi”) and its interconnectedness with other psychedelic and hypnotic musical genres in the world, such as free jazz, space jazz, and psychedelic rock among others.
Since its inception, Praed has shown a very keen interest in this music as a medium that reflects Egyptian society’s complicated fabric. Through the research it conducted, the band began to discover a strong cultural connection between “Shaabi” sounds and the “Mouled” music that is played in religious trance ceremonies. The hypnotizing psychedelic effect that was embedded in this genre also triggered thoughts around its similarity to other popular music in the world that employ forms of sonic delirium, such as free jazz and psychedelic rock.
capture : Masakazu Fujii (sax) / Yuji Nakamura (ss,bcl) / Kaori Mineo (dance)
bowden/matsuoka duo : Ryoko Matsuoka / shayne bowden
B(U)TT Trio : Bowden (electronics) / Takei (drums) / Tomi (voice)
Praedはスイス人の音楽家パド・コンカと、レバノン人のアーティスト/ミュージシャン ラエド・ヤシンのデュオ。2006年に結成し、幅広い地域と音色から影響を受けた複雑で実験的なサウンドを手掛ける。音楽と集合的記憶の関係性をクリティカルに探る中で、彼等は断片的な音の「ずれ」から織りなされたサウンドスケープを作り上げている。エジプトの「シャアビ」(大衆音楽)やシリアの「ダブケ」(民間踊り)が見事にフリージャズとエレクトロニクスに衝突する。ユーモアも欠かせない Praed は、カラオケやアラブ映画からの効果音をパフォーマンスに導入する事も屢々。ライブやラジオセッション、映画のサウンドトラックサンプル等がデュオのレコーディングに取り入れられる事で、抽象的でありながらダイナミックな聴体験が展開される。
capture : 藤井マサカズ (sax) / 中村勇治 (ss,bcl) / 峰尾かおり (おどり)
bowden/matsuoka duo : Ryoko Matsuoka / shayne bowden
B(U)TT Trio : Bowden (electronics) / Takei (drums) / Tomi (voice)