KASHIMA - International Artistic Residency is welcoming two groups of artists from South Korea and France. The given theme is: “A COURSE THROUGHOUT BEPPU”. Beppu is a moving city, the water flows massively, a lot of tourists and population transit. Part of this living movement, artists in residency will give new perspectives and draw physical and imaginary ways in Beppu city. The artistic creations will be visible in March 2013 in Beppu city, open you eyes (and your ears)! Elodie Dornand and Seung-Hwan Oh, the French-Korean couple, will present a visual art project in Beppu city (an exhibition will be shown at the gallery of French Institute. Silvain Gire and Christophe Rault, who composed Arte Radio, will create a sound journey also in Beppu.
This time, art space tetra is holding a public listening session presented by the French sound artist, Christophe Rault. The audience will listen to some sound creations of Arte Radio and experience an extract of the soundwalk specially conceived for Beppu.
The project of the residency in Beppu (sound art)
Silvain and Christophe are proposing a soundwalk accross the city. The soundwalk is based on interviews of inhabitants, fiction and sounds of Japan. Silvain Gire, Editor-in-chief of Arte radio, has written a fictional story about Beppu and Christophe Rault has recorded, mixed and edited the sounds. The soundwalk is a way to experience short modern fictions, intimate stories, funny and poetic, through Beppu city.
Arte Radio
Reports, sound postcards, documentaries, radio dramas, series, news…
ARTE Radio was founded in 2002 in Paris, France, by the European cultural channel, ARTE.
It’s a free, on-demand, Internet radio service with absolutely no advertising. You can either listen online to or download hundreds of reports, radio dramas, documentaries, audio creations and series. Sound creations contains a wealth of emotions. Although most programs are in French, many of our sound creations do not contain words and are therefore universal.
All our programmes are original, and are produced especially by and for ARTE Radio, which pays a fee to its authors and holds the rights. The programmes are broadcast under a Creative Commons licence, for listening to online, for downloading and podcasting.
Silvain Gire (born 1964)
A writer and a journalist, is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of arteradio.com. He started his radio work in 1991 for France Culture, the French public cultural radio, where he talked about philosophy, art and lifestyles while playing Public Enemy and Joy Division. He joined the cultural television ARTE in 1994 to work in communication, until he was asked to create a radio online.
He founded arteradio.com in 2002 with young sound engineer Christophe Rault. ARTE Radio introduced podcasting in France in 2005, and has played a major role in making radio creation relevant again for young generations. It won international acclaim for its new, direct approach to radio features and drama, winning 4 Prix Europa and 1 Prix Italia among other awards. For the 10th anniversary of ARTE Radio in 2012, Silvain Gire has been invited in London, Sydney, Chicago, New York and Berlin to present his work and promote new ways of mixing sound and images which he calls “Radio 2.0”.
Christophe Rault (born 1979)
A sound artist and a documentary maker, is the co-founder of arteradio.com. After crafting the sound of ARTE Radio for seven years, he now lives in Brussels (Belgium) and works as an independant radio maker. He also provides his skills on sound recording, editing and mixing for many authors, and conducts workshops about radio language and sound technique.
He appears as a sound artist in collective projects like Sonomaton, Reflex of the Cyclop (radio theatre), TDOS (live performance), European Sound Delta (art residence). He is currently writing a radio drama and working on a children theatre play.
His radio works (documentary and fiction) have been produced by ARTE Radio, France Culture, Silenceradio.org, BBC 4, WDR (Köln) and acsr.be. He won Prix Europa 2008 for Best Radio Drama (The Fish Tank) and Prix Scam-Sacd Belgium 2012 (I hate school !).
KASHIMA 2013 - artistic residency in Beppu, run by NPO BEPPU PROJECT.
Funded by Agency for Cultural Affairs in Japan
With the support of : Embassy of France/Institut français du Japon
大分県別府市市街地を中心に活動するNPO法人BEPPU PROJECTが2008年より継続しているアーティスト・イン・レジデンス事業「KASHIMA」
今回は"A COURSE THROUGHOUT BEPPU"(別府そぞろ歩き)をテーマに、
art space tetraでは、
1964年生まれ。作家、ジャーナリスト、arteradio.comの共同創始者で編集長。1991年よりフランス公共文化ラジオの番組「France Culture」でレポーターをつとめ、1994年からは文化テレビ局ARTEに参加。2002年、若きサウンドエンジニアのクリストフ・ローと共にarteradio.comを立ち上げる。2005年にはフランスにpodcastを紹介し、若い世代がラジオづくりに関心を取り戻すのに大きな役割を果たした。ラジオの特性を活かし、また大胆に切り込み続ける彼の姿勢は、国際的に多大な評価を得ている。Prix Europa, Prix Italia等のメディアフェスティバルで複数の賞を獲得。アルテラジオ10周年にあたる2012年、シルバンはロンドン、ニューヨーク等の都市に招かれて、音とイメージを混合する彼独自の手法「Radio 2.0」を紹介した。
1979年に生まれ。サウンドアーティスト、ドキュメンタリー制作者、arteradio.comの共同創始者。アルテラジオで7年間サウンド制作に携わった後、現在はベルギーのブリュッセルにてフリーのラジオ制作者として活動。多くのクリエーターにレコーディング、編集、ミキシングのスキルを伝えたり、ラジオで話すためのスキルやサウンド技術に関するワークショップを開えたりしている。サウンドアーティストとしても活躍しており、ラジオドラマ、ライブパフォーマンス、アーティストインレジデンス等の様々な協同プロジェクトに参加。近年はラジオドラマの脚本や子供向け作品に取り組んでいる。彼のラジオ作品は、ARTE Radio, France Culture等、様々な放送局で流れている。Prix Europa 2008, Prix Scam-Sacd Belgium 2012等のメディアフェスティバルで賞を獲得した。
web: http://www.tanakan.org/
助成 : 「平成24年度文化庁文化芸術の海外発信拠点形成事業」、
大分県、別府市、大分県教育委員会、別府市教育委員会、社団法人 ツーリズムおおいた、別府商工会議所、社団法人 別府市観光協会、別府市旅館ホテル組合連合会、別府市中心市街地活性化協議会、大分県芸術文化振興会議、朝日新聞、NHK大分放送局、OAB大分朝日放送、大分合同新聞、OBS大分放送、共同通信、TOSテレビ大分、西日本新聞、日本経済新聞、毎日新聞、読売新聞西部本社、今日新聞社、エフエム大分、CTBメディア、シティ情報おおいた、CONKA、別府市料飲協同組合、別府市商店街連合会