TVEGYPT - Stokei

19:30 start
planned by TVEGYPT

TVEGYPT - 佐藤恵一

Keiichi Satou
He was born to the farmer in Oita Prefecture in 1967. He went to the elementary school and the junior high school in the country, and graduated from the agricultural high school as it was. He dropped out, though everyone thought that he would succeed to the family business. He rolled into the apartment of the friend in Fukuoka. The dropout at that time was not only a dropout from the country but also a dropout from a general member of society. And then, he has never become a regular member in company that has worked up to now. At 21 years old, he found employment as part-timer in the hometown newspaper named "City Jou-hou Fukuoka". Then, he met the people who knew a lot of things more than him and received big culture shock. And, it was a modern art that the young person who did not know even the existence of the art up to 21 years old met for the first time. The meaning has not been understood though, he received the impact. He boiled the interest, stuck to people in the know of it, because he doesn't understand. He thought becoming artist at that time, immediately gave it up, and noticed appreciation and propman's enjoyments at the same time. He was related at the flourishing period of the modern art that is called "Fukuoka miracle for '94" as the staff of a large-scale project, and this one mediocre young person also awoke to the art in full scale in 1994. Backed up by artists who were younger than him, he formed the artist's group in 1998. He became a producer and decided this for all his life. He organized the project that seemed to have caused an important event if he thinks now, however it did't go well, and then the group disappeared naturally afterwards. He felt like the wilderness or the desert, etc. (His confidence becames unclear). When becoming accustomed to the completely free people in 2004, he succeed IAF SHOP * from the predecessor. He seriously fell into the situation which he should seriously associate with very troublesome artists again. There is no other way. He thought he could do nothing but be desperately with artists, so he is keeping doing this. Recently, he thinks about a true alternative while thinking about the origin of him succeeding the farmer's blood. As for his recent worry, anger might not easily come from his heart. The motto is "generally worthless". The person whom he respects is Hideaki Kido.

IAF Shop*


Yuto Takagi “loss of Virginity”

高木侑斗 ソロライヴ “loss of Virginity”

20:00 start
organized by TVEGYPT


“TVEGYPT” - Souya Chihara ?

TVEGYPT - 千原宗也?

19:30 start
planned by TVEGYPT


“TeeVeeEGYPT” - Shunsuke Onaka

TeeVeeEGYPT - 尾中俊介特集

19:30 start
planned by TeeVeeEGYPT


“TVEGYPT” vol.1 - Tadasuke Iwanaga

TVEGYPT vol.1 - 岩永忠すけ特集

19:30 start

planned by TVEGYPT